There are certain factors in all our bodies that actually have determined our body shape. Some call it the Weight Code. Most people who are overweight and just can’t seem to get it off and keep it off are being influenced by hidden Fat Triggers that cause our bodies to be a certain type. One secret to losing that fat and finally keeping it off is recognizing and managing these “triggers”. These triggers are basically a set of 9 influences caused by emotion, environmental, and lifestyle circumstances that sabotage your Weight Code.
If just even one of these triggers is active in your life you will continue to retain your fat shape even if you are eating healthy. A key to recognizing and managing these triggers is crucial to getting your body to the shape that you desire.
Here they are:
• STRESS – A chemical called cortisol. Cortisol, also known more formally as hydrocortisone is released in response to stress. This not only stops you from losing weight, but also causes you to gain weight. The Fat Loss Factor program will teach you how to effectively manage the stress factors in your life that causes this to happen.
• SUBSTANDARD NUITRITION – Huge weight problems will almost always be caused by inadequate nutrients being taken into your body. This is due to the fact that a person will continue to eat more and more food because the body is not getting the proper nutrients. Have you ever seen someone open bag of cookies and continue to eat the whole bag in one setting. There are 3 nutrients that your body needs and are very lacking in our modern diets. They are (1) Omega 3 fatty acids, (2) protein, and (3) live foods (fresh fruits & veggies).
• CHRONIC DIETING – Continually trying “diets” will actually make you fat. This is evident from the fact that most fad diets result in you gaining back the lost weight PLUS more 80% of the time within five years. A recent study at Melbourne University shows that cutting down caloric intake produces 20% more of appetite stimulating hormone ghrelin. This forces you to overeat when the diet ends. You therefore tend to “overeat” until your body gets the nutrients it needs.
• POOR DIGESTION –Because our modern food offerings consists of high processed and highly cooked foods resulting in poor digestion or even digestive problems, you will be under-nourished and lacking in the very important bacteria and enzymes needed for proper digestion. This results in your body being in a “fat storage” mode which causes you to feel hungry and increases weight gain. The Fat Loss Factor program teaches you how to avoid these overcooked, nutrient lacking foods which result in digestive problems such as diabetes, obesity, heart and thyroid problems.
• EMOTIONAL TRAUMA – A recent university study indicated that people in good emotional health were 14% more likely to live longer and 30% less likely to die from heart disease compared to those who are constantly negative in their outlook. Again, being under stress releases the fat promoting chemical cortisol. Fat Loss Factor provides you a means to change your outlook on life.
• SLEEP APNEA – Lack of sleep and/or poor sleep habits causes cortisol to be released into the body causing weight gain. Sleep Apnea causes you to stop breathing, occasionally many times each night. This causes the blood oxygen levels to drop dangerously low. This results in you being exhausted and increases your cravings for junk food resulting in weight gain. This lack of sleep also results in the lack of production of leptin and ghrelin hormones which control feelings of hungry and fullness.
• BAD MEDICATION – The stuff that is supposed to help you may actually be making you fat. But should you stop taking your meds? No…..just learn how to control, or better yet, how to alleviate the need to even take them by improving your overall health. Many people have found that by making positive changes in their lifestyle and eating habits they are able stop relying on their meds without harmful effects.
• TOXICITY – Toxins are stored in the body’s fat cells. Because fat cells protect your body, when you lose weight the toxins are released. Most of the toxins you come into contact with everyday come from medication, pesticides, cigarettes, alcohol, bad produce, and processed grain products. The Fat Loss Factor system will show you how to rid your body of these weight gaining toxins effectively and safely.
• BELIEFS – Having family members that are obese should not make you believe that it is “in your genes” to be fat. Having tried several weight loss programs that proved to be unfulfilling sometimes make a person feel like nothing will ever work for them. You have to change your beliefs in these areas if you ever want to really lose that weight.
In other words TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for how you look and feel. The Fat Loss Factor Program is a proven, effective, easy to implement and use program. It will provide help in all these areas to enable you to quickly and easily lose that fat!
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